Friday, March 14, 2008

Instead of bitching

...I'll do something productive.

I'd like to dissect the 12 hands I picked out of my last 3.5K, but I CAN'T. So instead I'm updating my goals.

previous: run at 6-10 bb/100 at 400NL (at undetermined date)
current: be bankrolled for 50NL at date X, be bankrolled for 100NL at date Y.

Current bankroll is STILL at ~$750. Since moving a $500 roll to Absolute, I've profited $192 in 10K hands, at 5.54BB/100. I am not happy with this, but KNOW that it's 40% variance and 60% bad play. Really. Not exaggerating.

I've taken shots at 50NL before, and I think there are more fish at that level than at 25NL, probably because of the jackpot tables. As long as I'm sufficiently rolled, I don't see it being a real problem -- not that my game is ready now, but it will be by the time my bankroll hits $1500 total. (I'm happy with 20 BIs for this level, but I think it'll be that long before I'm ready to move up. Gotta withdraw sometime to pay myself back :D)

So where do I see leaks right now?

- playing deep in general.
- playing my AA/KK/AQ for optimal value. These three hands mess with me.
- not openshoving enough on the river
- playing suited connectors when PF odds or position don't allow for it.
- semi-bluff timing with draws
- translating HUD stats into ranges (will link a great 2p2 post later)
- optimizing my lines for value. still trying to get fancy on people when i have a weak read
dude, 5.54PTBB/100 is nothing to sneeze at. that's pretty damn sick!

obv avoid playing deep per our convo. stack someone and if there are other 200bb guys at the table, bounce.

pull ur AA/KK/AQ hands and export them if u want me to check em out.

not sure what u mean about the open shoving thing. wasn't you doing that a leak we found?
oh, and be thankful they havent blocked access to ur own blog yet. in fact, i'd remove all references to "poker" on it.
A) trust me, it's terrible. my bankroll graph looks like an EKG monitor. Fishy.

B) value-shoving on river was what I meant. value-shoving and getting a call 25% of the time is +EV compared to making a small value bet that gets called 60% of the time.

See latest hand posted.
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