Monday, September 10, 2007

Hands: 429
VPIP: 28.9
PFR: 16.32
AF: 2.16
Net Amount: ($41.29)
Total Amount:
I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing. It seems so easy from this blog -- tighten up. Admit to it when you're beat. No, he's not bluffing. Play within your limits. I'm not doing ANY of this.
ssharpster is at seat 0 with $28.68.
DSDLOSTINTX is at seat 1 with $22.43
onegreenchip is at seat 2 with $22.57
ZachAttack88 is at seat 3 with $27.32
stupidtexan is at seat 4 with $24.99
puttputtking3 is at seat 5 with $6.03
The button is at seat 2.
ZachAttack88 posts the small blind of $.10
stupidtexan posts the big blind of $.25.
ssharpster: -- --
onegreenchip: Kd Qd
ZachAttack88: -- --
stupidtexan: -- --
puttputtking3: -- --
puttputtking3 folds. ssharpster folds. DSDLOSTINTXcalls. onegreenchip raises to $1.10 (value raise on button). ZachAttack88folds. stupidtexan folds. DSDLOSTINTX calls.
Flop (board: 7d Ad 4d): <--BOOM DSDLOSTINTX checks. onegreenchip checks (I have the nut flush. Maybe he can catch up and call bets later in the hand.)
Turn (board: 7d Ad 4d Tc):
DSDLOSTINTX bets $2.55. (this looks like a pretty obvious steal, here. If he has any non-flush hand, he isn't going to put any more bets in after this. I decide to make a value-shove and hope it gets interpreted as weakness. "Go away, I don't want you to have more cards because I'm vulnerable) onegreenchip goes all-in for $21.47. DSDLOSTINTX folds. onegreenchip is returned$18.92 (uncalled).
$.30 is raked from a pot of $7.65.
onegreenchip wins $7.35.
(I know I could have gotten more value out of this hand. How? Minraise the flop? Screams too much strength. Check/call turn doesn't let him bet most hands on the river...I mean, what does he think I'm merely calling a pot-sized bet with? the Kd?
I'm sure he had a little something, but what line would have allowed him to bet on the river?)
emf85 is at seat 0 with $7.54.
Go16win is at seat 1 with $10.25.
firetamer101 is at seat 2 with $4.45.
robbier is at seat 3 with $3.33.
Alman is at seat 4 with $10.57.
onegreenchip is at seat 5 with $10.
The button is at seat 1.
firetamer101 posts the small blind of $.05.
robbier posts the big blind of $.10.
emf85: -- --
Go16win: -- --
firetamer101: -- --
robbier: -- --
Alman: -- --
onegreenchip: Ah Ac <--- 3rd time I've gotten them. previously folded to me each time
PGTEX posts the small blind of $.05.
PGTEX: -- --
ray1962 folds. onegreenchip calls (wtf is this shit. i KNOW better. Aces don't come around often enough to slowplay them, but it can be done.) . minna_g folds.Go16win calls. PGTEX calls. casper_420 checks.
Flop (board: 8s Td Qs):
Turn (board: 8s Td Qs 2c):
(no action in this round)
River (board: 8s Td Qs 2c Qh):
(no action in this round)
Go16win shows Qc Tc.
$1.33 is raked from a pot of $26.62.
JWC72 is at seat 0 with $2.38.
JWC72 posts the small blind of $.05.
onegreenchip raises to $.35 (standard). Oil Can Harry folds. J_W_R folds. JWC72 folds. kydontlie calls.
kydontlie checks. onegreenchip bets $.40. (i'm very aware that this is a bad board to c-bet on, but it's for value, I have KK, dammit.) kydontlieraises to $1.25. onegreenchip re-raises to $3.15. kydontlie goes all-in for $10.21. (this looks like JT more than anything else. I absolutely cannot call here, although I like my 3bet on the flop. Don't know why I can't lay this one down -- would he really make this move with AJ?) onegreenchip goes all-in for $10. kydontlie is returned $.21(uncalled).
(no action in this round)
(no action in this round)
kydontlie shows Ts Td.
onegreenchip is at seat 0 with $21.88.
Orphious posts the small blind of $.10.
onegreenchip: 5d 4d
texas_all_in folds. Ih82cubroke folds. onegreenchipraises to $.85. Orphious folds. biggBen531 calls. <-- uh oh
Flop (board: 3h 2c 3s):
biggBen531 checks. (i should ABSOLUTELY check here, given the stack sizes and my hand. instead, I decide to represent 66 and bet) onegreenchip bets $1.50. biggBen531 raises to $6. (this is push/fold, and I pussy out against the big stack) onegreenchip calls.
Turn (board: 3h 2c 3s 2s):
biggBen531 bets $13.80. onegreenchip folds. biggBen531 is returned $13.80 (uncalled).
biggBen531 opts to show 6s 8h.biggBen531 has 8h 3h 2c 3s 2s: two pair, threes and deuces.
onegreenchip is at seat 0 with $24.15.
biggBen531 posts the small blind of $.10.
onegreenchip: 3s 3d
onegreenchip calls (I am hoping for a bunch of calls. I can call almost any raise.) SingSong raises to $.75. Orphious folds. biggBen531 calls. Ih82cubrokefolds. (great situation, now I just have to flop a 3!! The big stack is even in...double up time!) onegreenchip calls.
Flop (board: Qh 3h Ah):
biggBen531 checks. (this is a pretty bad flop for me. do I bet/fold to a raise? or check/fold? I decide I don't want to get raised) onegreenchip checks. SingSongchecks.
Turn (board: Qh 3h Ah Kc):
biggBen531 checks. onegreenchip checks. SingSongchecks.
River (board: Qh 3h Ah Kc 8s):
biggBen531 checks. onegreenchip checks. SingSongbets $.80. biggBen531 folds. onegreenchip raises to$1.60. (given his position, I think he's trying to steal. just a tiny raise to throw some more money in the pot. an A will call.) SingSong re-raises to $5.55. (??? srsly? did I let a straight catch me? or is this an aggressive move with two pair? was my raise too small? I'm thinking two pair here.) onegreenchipcalls.
SingSong shows Kh Th.
onegreenchip posts the small blind of $.05.
emf85: -- --
Go16win calls. firetamer101 folds. robbier calls.Alman calls. onegreenchip calls. emf85 checks.
Flop (board: 7d 7h 9h):
onegreenchip checks. emf85 checks. Go16win checks.robbier checks. Alman bets $.50. onegreenchipraises to $1.50 (I like this raise. I don't think TT+ can call here). emf85 folds. Go16win folds. robbier folds. Alman re-raises to $2.50. onegreenchip re-raises to $8 (not sure what I'm thinking here. I just decided he was bluffing, based on the size of his 3bet. note that I'm not following a Plan for the Hand). Alman goes all-in for$5.47. onegreenchip is returned $2.53 (uncalled).
Turn (board: 7d 7h 9h Kh):
(no action in this round)
River (board: 7d 7h 9h Kh 8h):
(no action in this round)
onegreenchip shows 2d 9d.
$.57 is raked from a pot of $11.44.
Jack3icall is at seat 0 with $1.84.
Misty2004 posts the small blind of $.05.
Jack3icall: -- --
onegreenchip raises to $.35 (standard value raise). nelsonpete15 folds.Misty2004 calls. Jack3icall folds.
Flop (board: 2c 4s 3d):
Misty2004 checks. onegreenchip bets $.40. Misty2004raises to $2. (wtf is this. is this you playing back at me? are you trying for a free card? two pair? set?) onegreenchip calls.
Turn (board: 2c 4s 3d 6d):
Misty2004 goes all-in for $5.52. onegreenchip folds. Misty2004 is returned $5.52(uncalled).
$.24 is raked from a pot of $4.80.
i think you're overthinking situations and trying to play too tricky. put the money in when you're ahead and fold when you think you're behind. do the math and if it's overwhelmingly one way, then go with that decision. that's poker.
MISPLAYING THE NUTS - never be afraid to not have your hand get paid off. you've flopped a monster. what's your goal? GET THE OTHER GUY'S STACK. what's the easiest way to do that? put money in the pot. more specifically, you're trying to let him catch up, but you have the top 2 nut cards. even if he has the Jd, which he likely won't be stacking off, you're going to feel pretty stupid if he fills up a boat because you gave him a free card. get the money in.
RIVER RAT - you're shoving here regardless of texture because of the stack sizes (i think that's what u meant) anyway, i play this the exact same way, nice.
DON'T FUCKING SLOWPLAY - raise em. if you are gonna slowplay. as played, you should be betting that flop. the raise is fine. but when he SHOVES over, you're done with the hand. don't get in the habit of trying to be a hero and pick off bluffs -- it wont work for your winrate at this level (and below 200nl).
I SWEAR HE'S BLUFFING - not a bad board to c-bet on, but proceed cautiously. that's just a tough hand. he could have had a big draw (QK) or QQ also. this isn't so terrible, some people would do this with AJ. keep in mind that a 3 bet on the flop usually signifies strength from a solid opponenet (sometimes jackasses will happily get it all in here with AT, so watch for them).
MESSING WITH THE BIG STACK -- i dont think you should have checked there -- i like your line.
FLOPPED A SET THAT WAS NO-GOOD - arg, calling is bad :-(. anyway, you flop big. JUICE IT UP. both would have lead you to get all in on the flop, which would have sucked, but that's kind of a cooler. anyway, make your river raise bigger in this spot if you're going to play the hand passively, OR just flat call, don't make a pussy raise that won't get you much value AND opens your jaw up to being re-raised (then you're like, oh shit, now what????).
NO PLAN = NO CHIPS -- this is something i've been learning about. you can lead these hands for like 1/2 or 2/3 pot. if someone has you beat they'll let you know (they'll call behind you or raise, then you simply refuse to put more money in the pot). your hand isn't strong enough to c/r -- then you're out of position for the rest of the hand. don't decide that people are bluffing. i do this too and it loses me most of my money.
?? -- this is a really close decision; i'll tell you why. you c-bet; opponent MIGHT think "oh, i have an overpair, he has AK so i'm gonna charge him" RAISE. here's the thing though, if you re-pop, you're likely going to get him to fold 66-JJ. he'll shove you with sets, straights, and AA. so you only get hands to play you that BEAT you and fold everything else out. this is why CALLING his raise (like you did) is great. you have position on him. he has the lead in the pot now. it's big enough where he's almost definitely going to be shoving the turn. PLUS, you've under-represented your hand -- it looks like you have an ace and are being stubborn. ALL of this is why you would call the turn shove. BUT, a really terrible card came which completes a bunch of straights. (this concept is called Way Ahead, Way Behind). now here's the thing -- it seems that he's not afraid of this card a bit as he's still shoving. this could mean he has it. in any case, it's a pretty borderline decision (probably not + or - EV longterm in spots like this). i like how you played this.
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