Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ups and Downs

TILT (n) :

state of emotion that causes one to deviate from 'standard play'.

I had an unfortunate lesson in live play last weekend that tilt can be both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE. $100NL cash game at my friend's house. One player was a complete donkey, showing air on multiple bluffs, calling down with 3rd pair or A-high on opponents with 'missed draws'. Basically, a huge sponge.

Late in the night, once I started to get tired...the deck started getting hot for him. His J3 would hit a J33 board, and get 43o and AJo paying him off. and i stopped believing his 'bluffs'. Argh. Blasted off my $200 stack to him over 3 hands.

"Nah, you don't got it!"

I realized later that I would have given credence to another player, making those moves. Not really sure if I'm right here. Was I on 'tilt', as I didn't play my normal game against Sponge? Or was I correctly varying my play, by making some 'hero' calls against him?

as usual with everything in poker, the answer is 'it depends'.
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