Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday Nights are Ridiculous
Because the donkeys are out in FORCE. Jesus.
Hands: 132
VPIP: 22.7
PFR: 17.4
AF: 3.7
Net Amount: 12.52
Hands: 272
VPIP: 18.75
PFR: 14
AF: 7.2
Net Amount: 58.70
On to some hands.
Standard. This is a brag hand. Identified the guy as a TAG. Flop call of my CR made me think set/AK/Kx. Flat call of the turn threw out the sets -- have to raise there. River was great as it allowed me to represent a bluff at the 3flush. Textbook. Get a hand, identify your opponent's hand, get the cheddar.
I'd raised the previous 5 hands at this four-handed table, and took all the pots down w/out a showdown. This guy picked the wrong time to play back at me, and was probably convinced that he was good when the river came down, as this move was within my perceived capability. I also could have gotten stacked something great here, but those previous 5 hands were a PERFECT setup.
This hand is noteworthy for a reason not apparent in the HH. I 4bet all-in (AK?) and as he debated, I told him 'go away'. Instacall. LOL. Only posted because it's a great metagame example. I think he calls 40% of the time that I say nothing. Or maybe he calls 100%. it IS KK, after all...
Fuckin' SHAME right here. Villain is (61 / 2/ 1.2) over 300 hands. He makes most of his money with loose preflop calls, and picking off C-bet bluffs in good spots. I play against him as much as possible, because my starting hand requirements are so much better than his. This is a more standard example of his style, but occasionally this happens.
With the latter two examples in mind, I took it upon myself to play this loose/weak player very differently than the other TAGs at my table -- namely I'd hit the flop REALLY hard and just shove it. I KNOW that I'm sacrificing EV here, I mean, what can he call me with? But I was hoping HOPING that I'd get a call with a flush draw or a weird two pair. Flopped sets against him 3 times and played it this way every time, as his style does VERY well against the standard TAGs you see at this level. Is it +EV to mix it up like this against such a loose player? Against an obviously intelligent, thinking player?
What about this hand? I love my 3bet preflop, but leading out here against a big stack puts me in such a horrible position. Hate my line in the retrospect, because I can't stand a call or checkraise. Is it better to check the flop and see what develops on the turn? Because what happened here was that he saw turn weakness and put me all in. Against a TAG player, I know that I'm facing a tweener pair or even a set here. Against a LAG -- could be ANYTHING. Can't call, obviously, but is a different line going to do better in the long term....I just don't know.
Brystmar's SSNL is great against the non-thinking masses, but I'm definitely having trouble adjusting to the good LAGs (and even LTs) that I run into. Or maybe it's just a perception thing, and I need to realize that Villain is just running good and hitting hands against me.
Don't attack the sharks, Colin. Attack the fish!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Saved by Sweet Suckouts
Hands: 361
VPIP: 20.8
PFR: 13.6
AF: 5.3
Net Amount: ($9.69)
Hands: 146
VPIP: 24.7
PFR: 18.5
AF: 23
Net Amount: 49.24
That is not a joke. I am one aggressive green chip. LoLz
On this eve of a Halo 3 release, i played poker. After work, my roommates picked up the Hallowed Consumer Product, brought me up to speed on the game, chugged some tequila, and grabbed the wireless XBOX 3600000000 controllers!! Menu, set! Co-op controls, set! START BUTTON!
Lo and Behold! Halo 3!!
Yes, this fine Microsoft product was apparently the straw that sent the Xbox into the famed Red Ring of Death shutdown. After we tried to start the campaign a few times, getting the 'unreadable disc' error, the Xbox had a petit mal seizure, and went on permanent strike. Now no CDs, DVDs, or games read in the White Box of Shit. FUCK MICROSOFT AND THEIR CRAPPY, CRAPPY PRODUCT. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST HOW MANY OF THESE THINGS HAVE TO BREAK.
i googled the error message and found hundreds, if not thousands (who can really tell on the Internet) of reports of Halo 3 either bricking the Xbox, arriving in a Limited Edition package, complete with SCRATCHES ALL OVER IT, or just refusing to work (multiple discs all give the same error).
Somebody in Quality Control needs to be raped by Satan's thorny cock. How much money was spent on this marketing campaign? How much time and effort? Microsoft fucked it all up. Badly.
(how's my wii, you ask? perfect! never gave me a problem. and that metroid
anyway, some hands, all from the very last session of the day, when the deck hit me in the face:
Brystmar's SSNL instruction guide is very specific on when to push pre-flop with KK/AA. He dictates that I am supposed to fold QQ/AK in this spot! Well, maybe not to a minraise (ferthalovaGAWD), but to a standard-sized pf RR. I guess a guy that min3bets from the BB autocalls here. I'd try to get into his head, just to find out if he put me on AK, but I don't want to be infected. EEEK.
This cocktaster had plainly decided that I was trying to run over the table with aggressive play. He is a dumbass. Tore up the comment box with "loLOLOLLL u suckkkkk" afterwards. Homo. Don't you know I'm untiltable? I'm like Thunder in the fucking Joust, numbnuts.
Not two minutes later, THIS gem happened. Same (cocktasting) villain is a solid TAG. I was pretty sure I had the best hand on the flop, and the turn made it look even sweeter. I thought I was money until he shoved in response to my two barrell, then started filling up the chat box with shit-talk. Fuck you pussy. I know you are drawing to the nut flush. Die in a fire.
WOOT! 4 outer!
and afterwards, I silently left -- a true hit n run assassin.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Donkey Crushing
spent the previous hour convincing this guy that I was a hot blonde tennis player. Told him he was getting outplayed by a girl before shoving on the river. How else does he call here if not ego?
Earlier hand, same villain. I asked him what he had on the flop, and he actually told me. We had been e-flirting for a bit at this point. I can't say I played the hand REALLY well, but I definitely wanted to see if he was telling me the truth (aka: buying my tablechat). Turns out he WAS. I concluded at this point that he WAS buying my BS, and I set him for a nice fall. I have no fucking shame.
I put this guy on KQ/QJ/QT on the flop. Wasn't sure if my two pair was compromised on the river, and STILL not sure if I should have pushed. ???
nuthin else suuuuuuper interesting.
time check: 9:20pm.
I planned on coffee + UB, then gym and crash. My workout tonight is KILLER.
4 sets of:
romanian deadlifts
hack squats
then 5+5 tri sets: dumbell lunges, leg extensions, and lying leg curls. (I do 5 reps of each exercise, drop the weight, and do 5 more, then on to the next exercise with no pause. 30 reps, 2m break, and run it again for 4 times total)
followed by 4 sets of calf raises.
finish with: 14 sets of (30 sprints, 60s jog) interval training on the reclining bike, because my legs will be like baloney.
then i will fall on the floor and puke -- it'll be midnight on a monday. LOL. wish me luck.
blog posts are soooo much easier when I'm not at work. Not sure yet if I like the conciseness of using hand converters, or the longhard layout a la FruityPro. It's EASIER, but is it as +EV??
Ran Bad
The hands are pretty standard, so I'll skimp on the text:
AT lost to ss AA when we got all in on an A-high flop.
JJ lost to QQ AIPF (shortstacked villain shoves, QQ calls, I shove with JJ, QQ calls)
JJ lost to Q8 AIPF (shortstacked villain)
QQ lost to AK when we got AI on a rag flop.
AA lost to JJ when we got AI on a QcJc9h flop with full stacks.
AJ lost to QJ when we got AI on a Jxx flop
JJ lost to AK (shortstacked villain)
99 lost to AA on a 9-high flop when we got AI
AK lost to J9 AI pf (shortstacked villain)
This was a fun hand -
6 full stacks of $10
Loose Donkey calls
Hero raises to .40 with AKo on button
Cockchugger raises to .70 in big blind.
Loose Donkey folds.
Hero calls.
Flop: Ah Jh Qs
Cockchugger checks. Hero, thinking his TPTK might be good, if the Cockchugger didn't protect his possible trips on the draw-heavy board, bets $1.50. Cockchugger minraises to $3. Hero folds, showing Kh As.
Cockchugger shows Ac Ad, and sits out, obviously heading to fridge to get another glass of cock batter. In his frenzied victory dance, he trips on his computer chair, and headbutts his keyboard, which (by a statistical miracle) randomly types "NLD LOL". He recoils in pain, only to slam his face into the Bablyon 5 (naked ladies edition!) calendar on his wall, where the nail embeds itself in his bloodshot eye.
The unexpected disfiguration elicits a scream of agony, and Cockchugger staggers and falls out the full length bay window, landing asshole-first on the fire hydrant below. The world is a better, safer place, as is InterNetPokerLand.
Fuck that guy. It wasn't that nice a laydown.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Found It. Thanks, Brystmar.
VPIP: 20.98
PFR: 15.52
AF: 5.09
Net Amount: $11.50
Hands: 94
VPIP: 23.4
PFR: 13.83
AF: 4.75
Net Amount: $68.90
OGC Bankroll: ($90.93)
wall_jc posts the small blind of $.10.
deveeqo: -- --
onegreenchip raises to $.85. deveeqo folds. bennylofolds. wall_jc folds. lamere calls.
Flop (board: 7d 8c 5s):
lamere checks. onegreenchip bets $1.25. lamere calls. (straightdraw? top pair? 2pair? set? This guy doesn't raise. Barely even bets, just calls! I can't count on him to protect his hand, here.)
Turn (board: 7d 8c 5s As):
lamere checks. onegreenchip bets $3. lamere calls. (Great card for me, but what the hell is he calling me down with? A solid player's calls would make me think "straight" or "draw", but he's about as solid as diarrhea. I think he minraises a made hand, here.)
River (board: 7d 8c 5s As 2s):
lamere checks. onegreenchip bets $10.30. lameregoes all-in for $9.34. onegreenchip is returned $.96(uncalled). (I don't like this bet. At the time, I decided that unless he flopped a straight to my top pair, I was ahead. Two pair would raise, and a set would have raised. [Of course, after the entire session with this donkey, I know better now.] Anyway, I thought I was making another value bet here. Ugh.)
onegreenchip shows Ad Kd.
$1.14 is raked from a pot of $28.98.
deveeqo is at seat 0 with $45.26.
deveeqo posts the small blind of $.10.
deveeqo: -- --
wall_jc folds. lamere calls. onegreenchip raises to$1.10. deveeqo folds. bennylo calls. lamerecalls.
Flop (board: Ah Qc Qd):
bennylo checks. lamere checks. onegreenchip checks.
Turn (board: Ah Qc Qd 6h):
bennylo bets $.25. lamere calls. onegreenchipcalls.
River (board: Ah Qc Qd 6h 9d):
bennylo checks. lamere checks. onegreenchip bets $2. bennylo folds. lamere calls.
onegreenchip shows Td Jh.
deveeqo is at seat 0 with $39.26.
jays2404 posts the small blind of $.10.
deveeqo: -- --
lamere calls. onegreenchip raises to $1.10. deveeqofolds. bennylo folds. jays2404 folds. wall_jcfolds. lamere calls.
Flop (board: 7c Ts Ks):
lamere checks. onegreenchip bets $2.55. lamerecalls.
Turn (board: 7c Ts Ks 3h):
lamere checks. onegreenchip checks.
River (board: 7c Ts Ks 3h 5h):
lamere checks. onegreenchip checks.
lamere shows Jd 7h. <--- (I can only bet when I'm overwhelmingly strong? He DOES NOT RAISE, and DOES NOT BET. Only chase chase chase. The problem here is that if he hits a K, this is exactly how he plays it. My high aggression factor slays me in those circumstances. So, do I change up my style of play against this loose/passive calling station? Or keep playing tight aggressive and put the pressure on him with a combination of bluffs and value bets?)
Hand #45624259-33434 Summary:
$.30 is raked from a pot of $7.65.onegreenchip wins $7.35 with a pair of queens.
deveeqo posts the small blind of $.10.
deveeqo: -- --
wall_jc raises to $.85. lamere folds. onegreenchipre-raises to $2.75 (2nd time I've tried this play. His stats (40/27/5.7, WtSD%28.21) don't indicate solidarity. I love my play). deveeqo folds. DealrofDeathfolds. wall_jc calls.
Flop (board: Th Ac 8c):
wall_jc checks. onegreenchip bets $5.85. wall_jccalls.
Turn (board: Th Ac 8c 2s):
wall_jc checks. onegreenchip bets $14. wall_jc goesall-in for $47.82 (crap. This is exactly how I would play a set here. I have TPGK. This is not a solid opponent. He's been raising like crazy (27%?!) and probably called me light. If this were a solid player, the hands I beat are AJ, 22-77, 99, JJ-KK. JJ-KK probably would have reraised. A set would have reraised on the flop, since there were two clubs out there, ESPECIALLY with this guy's aggression factor I think this is a weak looking bet). onegreenchip goes all-in for $29.38. wall_jc is returned $18.44 (uncalled).
River (board: Th Ac 8c 2s Kd):
(no action in this round)
wall_jc shows 5h Ad. <---WOW
deveeqo is at seat 0 with $25.46.
onegreenchip posts the small blind of $.10.
deveeqo: -- --
DealrofDeath folds. wall_jc raises to $.85. lamerecalls. onegreenchip calls. deveeqo folds.
Flop (board: Qc 5d Kc): (I flop a set and get BOTH donkeys in the pot. I think Muppet is steaming, and will bet out, and Calling Station will do his monkey trick. I'll minraise them. I WILL ditch this hand if a club hits, but I'm going to give a free card and hope to stack them both. They'll come after me, as they're both down 1.5 buyins to me, and want them back.)
onegreenchip checks. wall_jc checks. lamere checks.
Turn (board: Qc 5d Kc 9h):
onegreenchip checks. wall_jc bets $2.80. lamerecalls. onegreenchip raises to $12 ("get out of this pot, I'm scared and trying to bully you"). wall_jc goesall-in for $20.21. lamere folds. onegreenchipcalls.
River (board: Qc 5d Kc 9h 4s):
(no action in this round)
wall_jc shows Ts Kh.
Cardbandit10 is at seat 0 with $10.05.
Cardbandit10 posts the small blind of $.05.
Cardbandit10: -- --
rakeagain calls. khwol55 folds. onegreenchip raises to $.45. gargamel81 folds. Cardbandit10 folds.Nklhd folds. rakeagain calls.
Flop (board: Ts 6h 4s):
rakeagain checks. onegreenchip checks.
Turn (board: Ts 6h 4s Jh):
rakeagain checks. onegreenchip bets $1.05. rakeagain calls.
River (board: Ts 6h 4s Jh Qh):
rakeagain bets $3.15. (hmmm. I have two pair. Did you make your flush? I think if I raise, and you shove, I have to fold. So I'll just call. Not sure if I'm too passive here. Probably player-/stat-dependent (53/19/2.25)) onegreenchip calls.
rakeagain shows Qs 8s.
onegreenchip wins $8.98 with two pair, queens and jacks.
gargamel81 calls. Cardbandit10 calls. Nklhd folds.rakeagain folds. khwol55 folds. onegreenchipchecks.
onegreenchip bets $.35. gargamel81 calls. Cardbandit10 calls. (you just CALL? a made hand cannot just call here. gargamel81 seems solid, Cardbandit10 is LAG. I'm positive that neither of them have an Ace. But I'm representing one. What hands would they have that hope to beat an A on this board, that they wouldn't raise with? They're probably BOTH drawing, one to a straight, one to a flush.)
onegreenchip checks. gargamel81 checks.Cardbandit10 bets $1.40. onegreenchip calls. (at this point, I had convinced myself that he didn't have an A, and my nine was good. Dumb. I decide to 'trap' with MPSK) gargamel81 folds.
onegreenchip bets $2. Cardbandit10 raises to $4.onegreenchip re-raises to $6. Cardbandit10 goesall-in for $5.27. onegreenchip is returned $.73(uncalled).
onegreenchip shows 9d Th.
Goals Sometimes Need to Be Restated
to make at least $550 every 4 weeks of play.
How am I getting there, you ask? Well, I'm glad you did.
I've got my poker library: Sklansky, Vorhaus, Harrington, Hellmuth, and Gordon. These books will give me a solid grounding in BASIC no limit. No super fancy moves. No 5th level thinking. Keep it simple. Put in the hours.
Supplementing this is CR is the shit. Especially Brystmar's Small Stakes No Limit Instruction Guide, which addresses the tight/aggressive style that gives such beautiful results at the microlimits. It's a real shame that I love this guide so much, yet completely abandoned the starting hand list after about a month of use. Pretty sure that's why I had such a stellar downswing. Got myself involved in pots that I shouldn't have been in: out of position with easily dominated hands or suited connectors, never understing where I was in a given hand, winning small pots and losing big ones.
Thank God that's over. :D Check the latest post above.
So I recommitted myself, ditched my old handle, and created a new one. Strictly TAG. Not going to worry about changing gears (outside of the occasional bluff hand to keep me from looking like a total nit) until I am attacking the $1/$2 level.
Right now, I'm bouncing between 10NL and 25NL. I was considering depositing a good $500 a month ago, and leaving 10NL behind forever, but this downswing convinced me that my game has significant leaks that need to be addressed. I will continue this grind to grow my bankroll, my discipline, and my experience.
see you later alligator
Monday, September 17, 2007
Still Lost, but Found a Detour
Grapefest! small town wine festival in Grapevine, TX. Pretty standard walk-around-and-get beef-on-a-stick-while-drinking-and-eating-funnel-cake ordeal, except for the WINE TASTING. I make sure that my group has the best wine tasting experience. check the pic.
It's amazing how a lil bit of side tasties can bring out the flavors in wine. And (more importantly for me) wash the taste of the LAST wine off your palate. Wine, apple, wine, cheese, wine, chocoolate, wine, cracker. My song of the night was 'Hungry Eyes' (I LOOK AT YOU AND I CAN'T DISGUISE, I'VE GOT!) for all the jealous looks I got carrying this cutting board around.
*warning: low poker content*
so my detour from Lostland. I played a 30person MTT on UB last night and whomped people. Pretty standard play when I leverage my all in preflop bet based on a short stack.
-i raise, SS goes all in, evenstacked donkey calls, I shove, ESD shoves, my QQ holds up over AdJd and 66.
This catapulted me into the 11K chip range. Average stack was 2.5K, nearest was 4k. Heh heh.
The deck wasn't done smashing me in the face; I hit flops like Thor's Hammer, won EVERY coin flip, and just generally ran around with my pants off, doing whatever I wanted. Check out the chip distribution as we sat the final table.
Hand #46345241-38 at SnG-MT101a-Final (No Limit tournament Hold'em)
Started at 16/Sep/07 16:56:38
parrottlover is at seat 0 with 31175. <---- SUCK ITTTT
surprising is at seat 3 with 1045.
aj31105 is at seat 5 with 4880.
liveatpjs is at seat 7 with 4500.
BIG_BALBOSKI is at seat 8 with 3400.
The button is at seat 0.
that's really it. it was a nice $52.50 win, but this brag post probably feels better. that's one thing about cash games, you don't get the same psychological pay-off that you do with a tournament win -- you just keeping grinding. maybe there's a lesson to be learned there: enjoy your win.
thanks mr. vorhaus.
Monday, September 10, 2007

Hands: 429
VPIP: 28.9
PFR: 16.32
AF: 2.16
Net Amount: ($41.29)
Total Amount:
I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing. It seems so easy from this blog -- tighten up. Admit to it when you're beat. No, he's not bluffing. Play within your limits. I'm not doing ANY of this.
ssharpster is at seat 0 with $28.68.
DSDLOSTINTX is at seat 1 with $22.43
onegreenchip is at seat 2 with $22.57
ZachAttack88 is at seat 3 with $27.32
stupidtexan is at seat 4 with $24.99
puttputtking3 is at seat 5 with $6.03
The button is at seat 2.
ZachAttack88 posts the small blind of $.10
stupidtexan posts the big blind of $.25.
ssharpster: -- --
onegreenchip: Kd Qd
ZachAttack88: -- --
stupidtexan: -- --
puttputtking3: -- --
puttputtking3 folds. ssharpster folds. DSDLOSTINTXcalls. onegreenchip raises to $1.10 (value raise on button). ZachAttack88folds. stupidtexan folds. DSDLOSTINTX calls.
Flop (board: 7d Ad 4d): <--BOOM DSDLOSTINTX checks. onegreenchip checks (I have the nut flush. Maybe he can catch up and call bets later in the hand.)
Turn (board: 7d Ad 4d Tc):
DSDLOSTINTX bets $2.55. (this looks like a pretty obvious steal, here. If he has any non-flush hand, he isn't going to put any more bets in after this. I decide to make a value-shove and hope it gets interpreted as weakness. "Go away, I don't want you to have more cards because I'm vulnerable) onegreenchip goes all-in for $21.47. DSDLOSTINTX folds. onegreenchip is returned$18.92 (uncalled).
$.30 is raked from a pot of $7.65.
onegreenchip wins $7.35.
(I know I could have gotten more value out of this hand. How? Minraise the flop? Screams too much strength. Check/call turn doesn't let him bet most hands on the river...I mean, what does he think I'm merely calling a pot-sized bet with? the Kd?
I'm sure he had a little something, but what line would have allowed him to bet on the river?)
emf85 is at seat 0 with $7.54.
Go16win is at seat 1 with $10.25.
firetamer101 is at seat 2 with $4.45.
robbier is at seat 3 with $3.33.
Alman is at seat 4 with $10.57.
onegreenchip is at seat 5 with $10.
The button is at seat 1.
firetamer101 posts the small blind of $.05.
robbier posts the big blind of $.10.
emf85: -- --
Go16win: -- --
firetamer101: -- --
robbier: -- --
Alman: -- --
onegreenchip: Ah Ac <--- 3rd time I've gotten them. previously folded to me each time
PGTEX posts the small blind of $.05.
PGTEX: -- --
ray1962 folds. onegreenchip calls (wtf is this shit. i KNOW better. Aces don't come around often enough to slowplay them, but it can be done.) . minna_g folds.Go16win calls. PGTEX calls. casper_420 checks.
Flop (board: 8s Td Qs):
Turn (board: 8s Td Qs 2c):
(no action in this round)
River (board: 8s Td Qs 2c Qh):
(no action in this round)
Go16win shows Qc Tc.
$1.33 is raked from a pot of $26.62.
JWC72 is at seat 0 with $2.38.
JWC72 posts the small blind of $.05.
onegreenchip raises to $.35 (standard). Oil Can Harry folds. J_W_R folds. JWC72 folds. kydontlie calls.
kydontlie checks. onegreenchip bets $.40. (i'm very aware that this is a bad board to c-bet on, but it's for value, I have KK, dammit.) kydontlieraises to $1.25. onegreenchip re-raises to $3.15. kydontlie goes all-in for $10.21. (this looks like JT more than anything else. I absolutely cannot call here, although I like my 3bet on the flop. Don't know why I can't lay this one down -- would he really make this move with AJ?) onegreenchip goes all-in for $10. kydontlie is returned $.21(uncalled).
(no action in this round)
(no action in this round)
kydontlie shows Ts Td.
onegreenchip is at seat 0 with $21.88.
Orphious posts the small blind of $.10.
onegreenchip: 5d 4d
texas_all_in folds. Ih82cubroke folds. onegreenchipraises to $.85. Orphious folds. biggBen531 calls. <-- uh oh
Flop (board: 3h 2c 3s):
biggBen531 checks. (i should ABSOLUTELY check here, given the stack sizes and my hand. instead, I decide to represent 66 and bet) onegreenchip bets $1.50. biggBen531 raises to $6. (this is push/fold, and I pussy out against the big stack) onegreenchip calls.
Turn (board: 3h 2c 3s 2s):
biggBen531 bets $13.80. onegreenchip folds. biggBen531 is returned $13.80 (uncalled).
biggBen531 opts to show 6s 8h.biggBen531 has 8h 3h 2c 3s 2s: two pair, threes and deuces.
onegreenchip is at seat 0 with $24.15.
biggBen531 posts the small blind of $.10.
onegreenchip: 3s 3d
onegreenchip calls (I am hoping for a bunch of calls. I can call almost any raise.) SingSong raises to $.75. Orphious folds. biggBen531 calls. Ih82cubrokefolds. (great situation, now I just have to flop a 3!! The big stack is even in...double up time!) onegreenchip calls.
Flop (board: Qh 3h Ah):
biggBen531 checks. (this is a pretty bad flop for me. do I bet/fold to a raise? or check/fold? I decide I don't want to get raised) onegreenchip checks. SingSongchecks.
Turn (board: Qh 3h Ah Kc):
biggBen531 checks. onegreenchip checks. SingSongchecks.
River (board: Qh 3h Ah Kc 8s):
biggBen531 checks. onegreenchip checks. SingSongbets $.80. biggBen531 folds. onegreenchip raises to$1.60. (given his position, I think he's trying to steal. just a tiny raise to throw some more money in the pot. an A will call.) SingSong re-raises to $5.55. (??? srsly? did I let a straight catch me? or is this an aggressive move with two pair? was my raise too small? I'm thinking two pair here.) onegreenchipcalls.
SingSong shows Kh Th.
onegreenchip posts the small blind of $.05.
emf85: -- --
Go16win calls. firetamer101 folds. robbier calls.Alman calls. onegreenchip calls. emf85 checks.
Flop (board: 7d 7h 9h):
onegreenchip checks. emf85 checks. Go16win checks.robbier checks. Alman bets $.50. onegreenchipraises to $1.50 (I like this raise. I don't think TT+ can call here). emf85 folds. Go16win folds. robbier folds. Alman re-raises to $2.50. onegreenchip re-raises to $8 (not sure what I'm thinking here. I just decided he was bluffing, based on the size of his 3bet. note that I'm not following a Plan for the Hand). Alman goes all-in for$5.47. onegreenchip is returned $2.53 (uncalled).
Turn (board: 7d 7h 9h Kh):
(no action in this round)
River (board: 7d 7h 9h Kh 8h):
(no action in this round)
onegreenchip shows 2d 9d.
$.57 is raked from a pot of $11.44.
Jack3icall is at seat 0 with $1.84.
Misty2004 posts the small blind of $.05.
Jack3icall: -- --
onegreenchip raises to $.35 (standard value raise). nelsonpete15 folds.Misty2004 calls. Jack3icall folds.
Flop (board: 2c 4s 3d):
Misty2004 checks. onegreenchip bets $.40. Misty2004raises to $2. (wtf is this. is this you playing back at me? are you trying for a free card? two pair? set?) onegreenchip calls.
Turn (board: 2c 4s 3d 6d):
Misty2004 goes all-in for $5.52. onegreenchip folds. Misty2004 is returned $5.52(uncalled).
$.24 is raked from a pot of $4.80.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
nu cribz
I moved to Dallas finally. All right. New place right downtown. Sweet pool. Cheap rent. Near my hot lady. More about that in my personal blog. This is about POKER. And thankfully both my new roommates are interested in the game. One is a live-only player that is solid, if loose and not quite aggro enough. The other is a newbie to the game.
We signed him up to Full Tilt last night with $200 behind him, and immediately implemented PokerTracker. Never has skill been so immediately baselined. He's got Harrington and Phil Gordon under his pillow and on the shitter. LOL.
Lately, I've been involved more in where-do-I-hang-my-mirror and Jesus-it's-a-45-minute-drive-to-work, and not are-my-aces-good-on-this-TJKr-flop. Sad. The side benefit of teaching my buddy is that vocalizing the tight aggressive strategy reaffirms it for myself.
still didn't help me out of my current funk.
AF: 3.5
this is horrible
I played a few hands well, and a few HORRIBLY. Like, seriously horribly. At both tables, I had the same TAG multitabler on my right, and different LAG / maniacs on my left. This is a decent recipe for making money -- respect the guy in front of me, and recognize that the donkey on my left is going to be calling with the 2nd best hand a lot of the time. My stats for the night do NOT reflect this. I think I should have been something like 20/18/4 to take full advantage of these two donkeys.
What ended up happening towards the end of the night was that my aggression got noticed and attacked. People were verbally complaining about my Cbets, and re-raising me so light that it was silly. If I hadn't gotten carried away with a few hands, I would have had a great session. Alas...
Degenerate22 is at seat 0 with $4.80.
reyscado is at seat 1 with $14.18.
minimag62 is at seat 2 with $8.50.
kdorritie is at seat 3 with $6.74.
onegreenchip is at seat 4 with $9.88.
DCFladseth is at seat 5 with $20.48.
The button is at seat 4.
DCFladseth posts the small blind of $.05.
Degenerate22 posts the big blind of $.10.
Degenerate22: -- --
reyscado: -- --
minimag62: -- --
kdorritie: -- --
onegreenchip: Qd Qh Siegfried & Roy?
DCFladseth: -- --
reyscado folds. minimag62 calls. kdorritie raisesto $.20. (naturally, I have to raise here. I need to drive out weaker hands behind me.) onegreenchip re-raises to $.65. DCFladsethfolds. Degenerate22 folds. minimag62 calls.kdorritie calls.
Flop (board: 5h Qc 9c):
minimag62 checks. kdorritie checks. (I've been Cbetting constantly at this point. Now I'm doing it for value.) onegreenchipbets $1.25. minimag62 folds. kdorritie calls.
Turn (board: 5h Qc 9c 9h):
kdorritie bets $.10. onegreenchip calls. (what kind of suck bet is this? he called my raise, and now is min-betting? I put him on some sort of flush draw. Maybe a nine. A nine doesn't bet here, though. Well, if he's got a flush draw, he's drawing dead. I'll call here and see if my weakness induces a bluff on the river.)
River (board: 5h Qc 9c 9h 6s):
kdorritie goes all-in for $4.74. onegreenchip calls. (YES)
kdorritie shows 9s 4s.
kdorritie has 9s Qc 9c 9h 6s: three nines.
onegreenchip shows Qd Qh.
onegreenchip has Qd Qh Qc 9c 9h: full house, queens full of nines.
onegreenchip wins $13.57 with full house, queens full of nines.
(in retrospect, I guess he was getting it all in no matter what I did on the turn. However, I really like the line I took b/c of my Cbetting past, and the display of weakness.)
pretty24 is at seat 0 with $14.03.
NoLoSe is at seat 1 with $10.
mashgar is at seat 2 with $3.98.
projectuber is at seat 3 with $14.64.
onegreenchip is at seat 4 with $13.15.
hammerfan is at seat 5 with $41.03.
The button is at seat 4.
hammerfan posts the small blind of $.05.
pretty24 posts the big blind of $.10.
pretty24: -- --
NoLoSe: -- --
mashgar: -- --
projectuber: -- --
onegreenchip: Jc Ks
hammerfan: -- --
NoLoSe folds. mashgar folds. projectuber folds. onegreenchip raises to $.35. (easy button raise) hammerfan calls. (easy SB from a 54 / 16 / 1.4 moron with a big stack) pretty24 calls.
Flop (board: Qc Ts Jd):
hammerfan checks. pretty24 checks. (I have middle pair and a straight draw, and everybody else checked. I think a continuation bet is safe. I expect a call wiht anything from hammerfan.) onegreenchipbets $1.05. hammerfan calls. pretty24 folds.
Turn (board: Qc Ts Jd 4d):
hammerfan checks. onegreenchip checks. (villain chooses to not bet with a straight draw or a flush draw on third street, yet he called me. smells like a straight draw or middle/bottom pair. I opt to keep the pot small, and check behind. Villain hopefully notes that I Cbet flop and checked turn)
River (board: Qc Ts Jd 4d Qd):
hammerfan bets $2.50. onegreenchip calls. (villain bets the pot. bullshit. you didn't protect your Queen on the flop OR the turn with a draw-heavy board? not trips or full house. And you called the flop bet with just two diamonds? this guy could conceivably be 'slowplaying' a Queen, he's dumb enough for that. I don't think I can raise. I raise here against a TAG)
hammerfan shows 9c 9h.
hammerfan has 9c 9h Qc Jd Qd: two pair, queens and nines.
onegreenchip shows Jc Ks.
onegreenchip has Jc Ks Qc Jd Qd: two pair, queens and jacks.
onegreenchip wins $7.75 with two pair, queens and jacks.
pretty24 is at seat 0 with $10.42.
NoLoSe is at seat 1 with $9.55.
mashgar is at seat 2 with $7.77.
projectuber is at seat 3 with $11.27.
onegreenchip is at seat 4 with $15.89.
hammerfan is at seat 5 with $39.92.
The button is at seat 2.
projectuber posts the small blind of $.05.
onegreenchip posts the big blind of $.10.
pretty24: -- --
NoLoSe: -- --
mashgar: -- --
projectuber: -- --
onegreenchip: 9s 9c
hammerfan: -- --
hammerfan calls. pretty24 folds. NoLoSe folds.mashgar calls. projectuber (23/13/2.67, multitabling TAG) raises to $.55. onegreenchip calls (pretty strong raise. my plan for the hand is to flop a set and stack this sucka!) hammerfan folds. mashgar folds.
Flop (board: 6s 3s Ks):
projectuber bets $1.20. onegreenchip calls. (hmm. Continuation bets are part of his game. Scary board. I have second pair and a flush draw. From the armchair, I HATE my line. Can I raise against this opponent? Or is this a clear fold? A call is wrong against an aggressive opponent who doesn't appear scared of this board.)
Turn (board: 6s 3s Ks 3d):
projectuber bets $2.45. onegreenchip calls. (i can't even comment from here on out. I just STOPPED THINKING and went into donkey mode. Foremost in my head was 'he wouldn't play a flush draw like this. I can shove him off it. If I spike a 9 or a spade, I might even be good. Reality: I have two outs)
River (board: 6s 3s Ks 3d 6c):
projectuber bets $4. onegreenchip goes all-in for$11.69. projectuber goes all-in for $7.07.onegreenchip is returned $4.62 (uncalled).
onegreenchip shows 9s 9c.
onegreenchip has 9s 9c 6s Ks 6c: two pair, nines and sixes.
projectuber shows Kc Qd.
projectuber has Kc Qd 6s Ks 6c: two pair, kings and sixes.
projectuber wins $21.61 with two pair, kings and sixes.
(Look at this guy's stats. What do you think he's going to do. Of course, this is exactly the way I'd play a flopped flush, but how often does that happen? I'm completely embarrassed by the shit play I showed on this hand. This hand is a perfect example of why this blog exists: TO EMPHASIZE THINKING PLAY.)
I can't even type any more after that. Such stupidity is numbing.
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